Wow! What an awesome celebration of the resurrection of our Lord Jesus! We participated in a Firstfruits celebration with the One New Man Church in Charlotte on Saturday Night. There was so much freedom in worship and such a powerful presence of the Lord as shofars were sounded and people danced and sang praise to Yeshua ha Messiach! If you are in the Charlotte area, I recommend that you attend a Shabbat service with this wonderful and loving part of the Body of Christ. We spent the night at MorningStar in Fort Mill and rose to celebrate Firstfruit Sunday with so many wonderful people in MorningStar and then went to All Nations Church and celebrated with them. The body of Christ is so wonderful and has so many different ways of expressing our love and admiration for our Father God, our Lord Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. HE IS RISEN! HE IS RISEN INDEED! Now what are we supposed to do? Well, the disciples of Jesus were allowed and enable to attend His advanced course on the Kingdom of God. “After his suffering, he showed himself to these men and gave many convincing proofs that he was alive. He appeared to them over a period of forty days and spoke about the kingdom of God.” (Acts 1:3) This is a good time to receive instruction from the Lord about the “kingdom of God.”
As I was lifted by the Spirit into His presence this morning, I found myself standing in a huge meeting room like you might find in a very large conference meeting today. There were rows and rows of teaching materials available to those attending the training. I began to move through some of the aisles and looked at the materials on the tables. The first row of tables had many different books and was set up for book signing events. There was no one there to sign the books this morning and I asked what this meant. The Lord told me that these were all books which had not yet been written. People have been anointed to write them and the Lord has spoken to them about it, but they have not yet finished writing them. This is a time to get moving with your assignment and get the books finished. These books were about the “kingdom of God” and the Spirit reminded me that the time is short. On the next row of tables, I looked at many CDs and DVDs of messages about the “kingdom of God” which have not yet been recorded or released. The message was the same for these as for the books. Time is short and those called of the Lord need to complete their assignments as soon as possible. As I moved from table to table, I found the same thing at each table. Once again I felt the call of the Spirit to complete assignments because the time is short.
Suddenly, I was taken in the Spirit to another place. I’m not sure where it was because I was focused on the face of an Asian Woman whose spiritual eyes had just been opened to see important and awesome things in the Spirit. The look on her face was wonderful to see. She was so filled with amazement and joy at what she had been enabled to see. Then someone beside her reached out his hand to cover her eyes, but was only able to cover the right eye. I immediately recognized that it was the thief who wanted to steal her spiritual gifts, kill her hopes and dreams, and destroy her work for the kingdom. This was the man of John 10:10. When he couldn’t cover her eyes, he turned his fingers inward and tried to rip her eye out of its socket. There is so much deception in the world and the enemy wants to blind you to the truth of the gospel of the kingdom and steal all the Lord has given you. The Lord immediately intervened and took the thief away even as He healed the woman’s physical and spiritual eyes. Amen! Thank you Lord!
I was carried back to the conference center in Heaven. I saw many people who were cleaning, repairing, and restoring weapons of spiritual warfare. Each person had a unique God-given weapon, and was focused on getting it ready to be employed right away. We do not have any more time to waste. The conflict is intensifying. The enemy knows his time is short and he is furiously attacking the saints of the Lord. May we get prepared and stay ready for service in the kingdom of God! May you sharpen your weapons and your spiritual awareness in this hour! May you move quickly into your destiny for the Lord and accomplish all those things He has anointed you to do! Even so, come quickly, Lord Jesus! Amen and Amen.
Date: April 01, 2013