This morning during our praise time, the presence of the Lord was awesome. It felt like we were in a “glory fall.” Like a waterfall, but it was His glory falling on us. At the same time, living water and fire were pouring down on us. I pray that you are receiving some of His glory falling on you today. We have an amazing and wonderful Father God. “For He is good: For His loving kindness endures forever! (2 Chronicles 5:13, One New Man Bible) I was suddenly caught up in a vision from the Lord. I saw the cloud of His glory moving to overtake and surround several people. However, they were not ready to receive it. They didn’t seem to understand what it was, so they were straining to move away from it. As I looked at their faces, my heart went out to them. They seemed to be overcome with sadness, grief, rejection, and despair. I wanted them to stop and let the Glory surround them and immerse them in the blessing and favor or the Lord. I was not able to speak out to them. Then the vision shifted.
I was taken by the Spirit to a very large cemetery. There were tombstones as far as I could see in every direction. We were standing in the shade of a large tree and my eyes were drawn to one stone nearby. It was a very old grave marker that was showing many signs of its age. The writing was almost worn off and the weather and elements had change the color of the stone to a dull brown. As I looked at the stone I thought about the person whose life it marked. I thought this person was long forgotten and wondered if any living person remembered them or had any record of their time on the earth. But, then I focused on something very different about this marker. The light of God’s glory was shining down on it like a laser beam from Heaven. The intensity of the light was so strong that it reflected off of the old brown stone like a mirror. The reflection was so strong that it seemed to be a light in the stone shining out. Then the Spirit assured me that none of us will ever be forgotten by the Lord. This old saint was still as important to the Lord as when he lived and breathed on the Earth. You and I will never be forgotten. Our loved ones will never be forgotten. God’s love will never run out, grow dim, or fade away from us. Hallelujah! Thank you Lord!
I was carried in the Spirit to an open portal in Heaven, but it was different from what I had experienced in the past. It looked like a huge vacuum was pulling people up through the portal at a very high rate of speed. Some of the people were alive and being lifted up for a visit. Some of them were coming up in the spirit to remain with Him forever. All were coming up together. Then I was pulled up with them into Heaven. The Lord showed me an awesome thing. All of those whose labors and tribulations on the earth had come to an end were being drawn into a glory cloud like the one I saw at the beginning. The difference was that all of these entered willingly and let the Lord envelop them in His glory and saturate them with His love. I watched this for several minutes and none of them came out of the glory cloud. They just rested in Him for a long time. I was reminded by the Spirit that time is different in the spiritual realm from what we experience in the natural. What seemed like several minutes for me was a hundred years for those in the cloud. They were wrapped in His loving embrace for a hundred years while they were healed of everything which happened to them on Earth. Every tear was wiped away and every hurt was healed. They were so filled with the love of God that every unloving thing that happened to them was washed away forever. They were going through the final transformation which we receive in a limited form as described by Paul in 2 Corinthians 3:18, “But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as by the Spirit of the Lord.”
This was so awesome and wonderful that I wanted to join them, but that will be for another day. I still have things to do in this life to accomplish His purpose. I know this is specifically given for one or more of you. There is something here which you have been longing to receive from the Lord, and all of this was for you today! I pray that you will receive it and let Him embrace you in the Glory Cloud as He ministers what you need in His loving arms! Amen!