I experienced something very different this morning. The presence of the Lord was very strong and I received a vision of Him watching over us from Heaven. I went face down and felt the Spirit lifting me up. However this time I was moving up backwards. It felt like the Spirit was lifting me by my waist and I was looking back at the milestones we were passing. I tried to look forward but was not able to change my position. I seemed to be traveling through some kind of spiritual tunnel and I could see bright rings around the tunnel at regular intervals, and felt that we were moving very fast as ring after ring passed by and disappeared in the distance. When the Spirit finally lifted me into Heaven, I was pulled into the cloud of His glory. The cloud was moving constantly and the colors kept changing as I experienced different parts of the Shekinah cloud. As I was soaking in the Presence it was wonderful, but I also was shown many images and faces in rapid succession. I didn’t really understand what was happening. So, I asked for wisdom and revelation to understand what these things meant. The Lord said, “It is time to relinquish control over the direction of your life, and let the Spirit lead you! Let Him take you where you are being sent!”
Then the Lord let me see myself as if I was standing outside myself (this vision was meant for you as well). I saw myself standing before the Lord with both hands lifted high above my head as I gave Him praise and worship. Then something like a stream of fire came from behind me and began to wrap around my left hand and arm. As this continued, this fire became larger and larger around my hand and arm. I didn’t fell a burning sensation. I felt some kind of empowerment, but was not certain what it meant. Then as I watched, I moved my two hands together in front of me and the fire wrapped around both arms. Again, I prayed for wisdom and revelation to understand what this meant. As I prayed for this, I confessed my hunger and thirst for more of Him and more of His presence. I felt such a strong desire for greater intimacy with the Lord.
Then the Lord said, “If you want to receive the things you are requesting, you must let go of some things in your life! The things you were shown and the faces you saw are things from which you need to be set free! Let go of soul ties with the people you saw! Get rid of the things you were shown!” The fire was placed in our hands to empower us to do what the Lord was commanding today. Some of the things and faces were not familiar to me. I understood by the Spirit that these are things and people from which some of you need to be set free. I was even shown some people I need to remove from my Facebook list of friends. In fact, I had to do that for one person before I could finish this message. Then the Lord told me to delete all the email messages and contact information for this person. I paused at this point and did what the Lord told me to do.
The Lord once again took me through a teaching about the time of the “falling away.” I was told that more and more people will stop associating with us as we allow the Spirit to lead us. In addition to those who separate from us, there are others we need to let go and break off all soul ties. These people are hindering our walk with the Lord. It is time to cancel every legal assignment we have given to the enemy through these soul ties and to be set free from everything which hinders our walk with Him. The Lord was not asking us to cut off a lot of people. We are only to separate from those specifically named by Him. We will still be connected with those we are called to minister to and those we are to lead to the Lord. Don’t begin to cut people off unless you hear it clearly from the Lord.
I pray that we will have very clear spiritual discernment in these matters! I pray for you to hear clearly from the Lord so that what you do will be in obedience to Him! It is not a time to bring more strife into your life. It is time to be set free from it so you can obediently follow the leadership of the Lord. This requires great discernment. I pray that you will be elevated in your gift of discerning in the spiritual realm. Amen and Amen!!!
Date: April 18, 2013