As I went face down before the Lord this morning, I was carried by the Spirit to another place and time. I was standing on a street corner in Fredericksburg, Texas. The sky seemed clear and bright but a huge hailstorm was in progress. So many large hail stones had fallen that it had begun to accumulate and looked like snow drifts. The spirit told me that it was July of this year. A storm like this is unusual anytime, but extremely rare in Texas at this time of year. I was reminded of the hailstorm prophesied in Psalm 18:13, “The Lord thundered from heaven, and the Most High uttered His voice, hailstones and coals of fire.” And Isaiah 30:30, “The Lord will cause His glorious voice to be heard, and show the descent of His arm, with the indignation of His anger and the flame of a devouring fire, with scattering, tempest, and hailstones.” This came to me as a strong warning of the judgment of God coming soon (This was not just for one city. It was for all of us.) I received this as a call from the Lord for people to repent and return to true faith in Him. However, in the vision this morning, no one seemed to notice or to be concerned about the hail piling up in July or the announced coming of judgment.
Then I was carried by the Spirit into one of the stores on the street and saw a terrible thing. People who called themselves Christians were viciously attacking the saints of God. They were coming up behind then and stabbing them in the back repeatedly. But those being attacked did not fall. Then the Lord said, “Do not strike back! Do not return evil for evil! I am with you and I will protect you!” I understood this to be about verbal attacks which are released to destroy the work and influence of those being Spirit led. We need to be very careful about the words we speak in this season. This is a season to bless and not to curse. Don’t be overly concerned about what other people are saying to or about you. The Lord has your back! I believe this is tied to the reference to coals of fire in Psalm 18. As we bless those who curse us, it will be like pouring coals of fire on them. Romans 12:20-21, “Therefore ‘If your enemy is hungry, feed him; If he is thirsty, give him a drink; For in so doing you will heap coals of fire on his head.” Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.” Jesus said, “But I say to you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you, that you may be sons of your Father in heaven;” (Matthew 5:44-45a)
After this, the Spirit took me back out on the street where I saw a parade in progress, However, it was a very unusual parade. It was in honor of food and spoke of very limited food supplies. One float came near and I saw that only one live chicken was on it. A man across from the float shouted to a woman, “Take it! We will need it!” The woman took it from the float and began to dress it while it was still alive. This spoke to me of a coming time of desperation when people will be grasping for food and failing to follow the proper means of preparing it. Suddenly a great deal of pandemonium broke out on the street as people rushed the floats grapping what they could while pushing others away. The self-centered and vicious behaviors were very disturbing, but what we can expect in times of great lack.
I asked the Lord again for a word from Heaven. Suddenly, I was lifted up to a place in Heaven I had never seen before. A massive and extremely thick door of a safe was being opened by an angel. As the door began to open, I expected to see darkness inside the vault, but the opposite happened. The light of His Glory poured out from the open door in Heaven. His glory was awesome, powerful, and effective. In the midst of this outpouring, I was assured that there will be no lack for those who are being led by the Spirit. Our answer is not about hoarding supplies, but about trusting Him more. I believe that having a good storehouse is wise. We may be the ones who provide supplies to others. But through it all we must remember that the Lord is still our source and He is faithful all the time. I took much encouragement from this time in Heaven while the Glory of the Lord kept pouring over me, into me, and through me. I heard again the words of Acts 4:34, “Nor was there anyone among them who lacked;” Uncertain times are ahead, but we have this certainty. The Lord will protect, provide, and prosper His people no matter what the world may release or experience. I pray that you will also be encouraged! Amen!
Date: March 21, 2013
August 20, 2021
Thank you!